Improbable Connections: Entornos para interactuar

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Improbable Connections




Plantean environments where they can interact with artists and creators, philosophers, anthropologists, companies or social organizations, thinkers with scientists highlights with the public ..., in search of a committed social and productive innovation. Improbable Connections, as a driver of change and innovation, generates a context of high added value for both creators and thinkers to businesses and public organizations and social actors. Fields of action: changing organizational models, rethink products and services, innovate ways of relating to the environment, better understand my public.

Roberto Gómez de la Iglesia (dirección) and Arantxa Mendiharat (coordinación) ambos vienen del mundo de la comunicación y la gestión cultural.

Ofrecemos a empresas, centros de investigación, organizaciones sociales y administraciones públicas la posibilidad de incorporar a sus equipos artistas e investigadores provenientes de las ciencias sociales.

  • Proyectos largos (9 meses) – Incluye Open Lab.
  • Píldoras creativas (3 sesiones).
  • Nuevos socios comanditarios.

Artists help drive processes of experimental research and co-creation, incorporating complexity, diversity, critical and creative thinking, to question and rethink why and what organizational (mission, Vision, business, organization values, their core competencies and relational frames).



  • Experts unlikely: presentation and discussion of projects in small groups and mixed.
  • Fit the improbable: card game devised by François Deck to reflect on methodologies related to innovation.
  • Best unlikely: mapping of each project with the support of a participant from the previous edition of improbable connections acting as mentor and companion throughout the project.


Business / organizations we have worked.

Long project:

Creative Pill:

Business (SMEs): Adimedia / Artekopi / To / Beorlegi Signs and Beacons / Bigorringo / Bit This / Defense industrial property S.L. / Sports González / Manolo Drugstore / Capital Languages / Woodworking Bidasoa Laister / Foto Ibáñez / Frutas Francisco Salado / Frutas Manuela / Higer Optika / Better Life! / Ideable Solutions / Iruña Catering / Marian Grocery / Marlon Hair and beauty / Stones and marbles Irun / Andrés Sánchez Auditors / Tesysal / Continental Translations / Txelo / Urbegi product research / Urgabi /

Social organizations: Edex / Liburki

Case 1:
Fagor and PKMN. Generate new narratives to reach the public / users of the brand. Generation of stories based on the cooperative own transmitted through direct channels between the cooper[activists] and users looking for a community around the domestic. Transform the company to provide the user services and experiences around the home.

Case 2:
i68 y Paola Tognazzi. Inquire about the wants and needs of their public / users, later to build projects based on this. Interrogating the dimension of the body in the use of computer systems interface, based on previous work of the artist, humanize software, think about the emotions of the user to use and get fans systems 168.

So, what do you think ?